If you just went on a vacation, made a big purchase, used a credit card when unemployed or spent money after consulting with a lawyer, you will look suspicious in their eyes and will likely be denied. It is always best to consult a ...
My books - Erec Rex: The Dragon's Eye, and Erec Rex: The Monsters of Otherness, are available at all stores now. Book Three, Erec Rex: The Search for Truth is coming out June 30. They have won many awards and were a "Borders Original Voices "..... P.S.?I'm currently offering autographed/personally-inscribed copies of my novel, Vacation, with free shipping for those in the US. If there's anything you could do to help me spread the word about this, I'd really appreciate it. ...
if you have not yet read them, you also need to check out her erec rex books, the dragon's eye and the monsters of otherness. what is the hardest part of writing for you? the hardest and most overwhelming part of writing for me is what ...